Hurst Horticultural &
Cottage Garden Society

Proudly presents the
112th Annual Show
on Saturday 30th August 2025
at 12:30

2025 Hurst Horticulural & Cottage Garden Show
This years show will be on Saturday 30th August 2025; doors open at 12:30. Admission £2

The fabulous and talented EMC Jazz band will provide entertainment again this year. The very popular EMC Jazz Band of highly talented amateurs is part of the Earley Music Centre - a music school based in Earley.
BBQ and bar is open from 12:30.

Continuing the history and tradition for the next generation
The first show was held in 1902 and known as the Hurst Show. We are proud the show continues to strive and is now in its 111th year.
Show entrants can choose from a variety of classes to enter including Art which was re-introduced in recent years.
If you would like to read a little more history please continue here.

For everyone......
Alpacas, a real favourite, will also be in attendance this year.
The scarecrow competition.
Young persons classes for show entrants.
Plant sale and stalls.
End of day Auction!
For previous years' photographic highlights please continue here.